more about us.


I should learn Spanish.

First of all . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!

Love her. Aren't I so lucky I get to look like her and people notice? I think so.

Saturday was one of those really good days. You know those ones where you find yourself smiling a lot? Yeah, one of those.

Well, it didn't start out the very greatest. My body is already used to my work schedule so I was wide awake at 5:45 am with no chance of going back to sleep. It also happened Sunday. Lovely. But on Saturday I got in a really good workout which was nice. 

When Paul finally got up 3 hours later we got ready for the day and went to a baptism that I was playing at. We actually didn't know the girl . . she is a new convert. And most of the service was in Spanish so we didn't understand it. But the spirit was so strong. I haven't been to a convert baptism since Oregon and don't really remember any. It was a great experience.

After the baptism we went to the temple and did sealings. We got asked walking in if we spoke Spanish . . no . . yeah, they did most everything in Spanish since everyone else spoke Spanish. We were told that since we are in Texas, we should probably learn Spanish. Unfortunately, I probably don't. Languages are definitely not a huge strength or interest of mine. But again, it was a wonderful experience and it is great to know that no matter where you are, it's all the same and it's all still true. I love going to the temple with my hubby every week!

After the temple we went to the swimming pool. It is amazing how it can be close to 95 outside and the pool can still be so cold I don't want to get in!

I don't get it. Maybe once we get into the 100's it'll feel nice and not freeze me. 

Paul bought grapes at Costco. Those who know me well know I am RIDICULOUSly picky about my fruit, especially grapes and apples. These were perfect and I have eaten about half the box by myself. In about a day.

Remember that dessert we made last week?

We finally finished it. SO good. It's actually a miracle and took lots of self control to not finish it sooner. Be proud of us.

I got to take care of 8 little kids under age 3 today during church. Gotta love being called into nursery : ) It was fun but I am hoping when we get our callings (probably next week) that they are not in the nursery.

We are loving our ward and got to meet / get to know a lot of people tonight.

We love Dallas!

But . . Missing our families in California and Utah. We love you! 

Luv, Lindsay ( and Paul )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for liking that we look alike. I think all of my girls definitely took seconds in the looks line. Thanks for the birthday wishes! We missed you.


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