more about us.


Senior night was a blast...we were one number off on three different prizes for the raffle, one of them being a mountain bike. The MC made everyone stand up at the beginning of this raffle and people would sit down
 when their number wasn't called. We were on the last digit and I was screaming like a mad man, excited to see that we had about a 25% chance to win. However, we didn't win. I hate raffles!

We did get free bowling before that and Lindsay won us a Buy One Get One Free in bowling games because she was the only one who knew the original name of Mickey Mouse. She is a kid at heart when it comes to Disney.

We also won a frisbee, chapstick, a bag, and candy by playing these other games. We also tasted this new Jimmer drink and it was disgusting. Maybe it was that one flavor...

 Vocal Point is amazing.

We then topped the night off with the movie Cool Runnings. It was fun to watch that classic again. Favorite quote in the movie: "How about I draw a line down your head so  it looks like a butt?" Sanka


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